Asian Adventure Begins Tomorrow

Welcome to my new website.  As many of you know, Yen and I will be traveling throughout Asia for 6 months.  Although we have been planning to do this since last year, it has been a complete whirlwind the past few weeks as we have rented our house, sold or gave away a bunch of furniture and other stuff, and moved in with my gracious sister-in-law Bich and her boyfriend John in their lovely new home.  Well, the day has finally arrived and we fly out tomorrow!  Our first stop is Seoul, Korea for one week before heading to Saigon.  Although we will be living in Saigon for the most part, future stops will include China, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, and other countries.  I will be blogging and posting photos about our travels on a regular basis, so be sure to visit often.  As a taste of things to come, I have a posted a few photos from our trip to Vietnam in 2011 on the home page.  We hope to that many of you will be able to visit us during out time in Asia.


Hai & Yen