Port Douglas, Australia

Port Douglas is a beach town on the northeast coast of Australia that is adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef.  When we arrived, we were excited to see the beautiful pristine beaches.  Zack and I quickly ran into the water and were enjoying ourselves for a about a minute when we noticed that there were no other people in the water.  We thought it was strange since the water was so nice and started to feel a little nervous.  Suddenly, a local person came by and started yelling, “Get out of the water.  There are stingers in their that can kill you!”

Later we found out that the stingers are Irukandji, which are small jellyfish the size of a matchstick head that are known to be one of the most poisonous creatures on earth.  Luckily no one died that day.  The lesson learned that day is that there are a lot of creatures in Australia that can harm you and that it is important to pay attention and read all warning signs carefully.

We spent a few days in Port Douglas relaxing on the beach and exploring the surrounding areas. The highlight was a snorkeling excursion in the Great Barrier Reef.  I do not have any photos of that day however as I was too busy swimming with the fish in the ocean.

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